
Spring  'Wild Salad Mix'
Read full details about Deanna's spring tonic - wild salad mix here This Wild Salad Mix is formulated to be an addition to your usual gentler tasting salad leaves (Cos, Romaine, Butterhead etc) and would be even more delicious when mixed in...
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Woodland Soup Mix

Picked by hand and beautifully bunched by Deanna from her own abundant and biodiverse meadow at the woodlands edge. 

You can nibble any of these items raw, whizz them up into a green super-smoothie, or make a delicious soup out of them. 

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Salty Fingers
Rinse well before use These are an absolutely delicious salty, juicy and crunchy wild coastal vegetable. Suggested uses: Steam gently or saute in butter as you would for tenderstem broccoli Use them as a natural replacement for salt by adding...
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Western Hemlock

Spending time in forests has been shown to boost the immune system, chiefly increasing the number of killer cells (1,2,3), through inhaling a variety of compounds known as terpenes. Make sure you have a good whiff of your Douglas Fir leaves. If you wish you can put a little under your pillow for some overnight inhaled terpene goodness! 

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