Hippophae rhamnoides

Also known more commonly as Sea Buckthorn - supplied in Juice form
This plant grows freely in parts of the UK, so much so that it can become invasive, but it is well deserving of one of its alternative names - ‘The Holy Fruit of the Himalayas’, find out why this blog: https://thegreenworldproject.com/blogs/news/holy-fruit-of-the-himmalayas
This sour bright juice provides a bold, refreshing and energising hit to start your day with.
Suggested Use
We recommend you have a 20ml 'wake-up' shot of juice diluted in some water - as it's very sharp.
You can have it directly before meals, where different nutrients will be extracted by your digestive processes.
Use it in place of lemon juice in any recipe for a deeper, smoother flavour.
There are no end of recipes that a creative cook could concoct with this super juice, so I encourage you to play around with making your own dressings, sauces and deserts with it.
When added to stewed apples it makes a wonderful gut nourishing desert, it pairs wonderfully with chocolate, if you reduce it down to a thick syrup. Perhaps you could try our healthy chocolate mousse recipe below.
Healthy chocolate mousse recipe
Ingredients - serves 1-2.
Half a ripe avocado, whole ripe/overripe banana, tsp raw cacao powder, 1-2tsp honey/maple syrup, 2 tbsp milk (plant/dairy).
To make the mousse, blend half a ripe avocado with a whole banana, a teaspoon of raw cacao powder, 1-2tsp of honey/maple syrup and 2 tbsp of water/milk in a food processor until smooth. Keep adding a tbsp more water if it's too thick to blend. Spoon the mousse into serving dishes and place in the fridge to cool.
To make the syrup, add half a cup of sea buckthorn juice to a saucepan and simmer over a medium heat, until the liquid has evaporated off - enough to leave a thick syrup. Spoon when syrup is still warm onto desert and leave in fridge until you are ready to serve.
For Information purposes only:
There is no shortage of scientific evidence for it’s high nutritional content and potential health benefits - just a quick pubmed search of ‘sea buckthorn’ reveals 903 studies (May 2021).
Have a look at this as an example: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2018.00232/full
Seabuckthorn berries are known to be a great source of vitamin C and are also reported to contain Omega 7 which is said to play a role in helping to keep mucous membranes healthy. Many women anecdotally report it to be beneficial for some symptoms of the menopause.
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