Wild Mineral Boost Mix

Wild Mineral Boost Mix

This vibrant, aromatic and luxury selection of wild and cultivated greens is the perfect tonic to our nutrient depleting diet and lifestyles. 

The bag contains wild foraged Alexanders, Three cornered leeks, Chervil, Nettles and market garden grown Parsley. 

Can be eaten raw or cooked (except for nettles - which need to be cooked to remove stinging hairs)

Wash well before use

Suggested uses:

Green smoothie: Take a stem of each type of plant and blend with water in a food processor. You can add ginger, apple and or lemon for some extra zesty goodness! Make in a large batch and freeze into icecube trays for an easy way to load up on green goodness each morning. 

Wild soup: Chop up 3 shallots (included in your November box), add to a large saucepan and brown with a generous blob of butter or olive oil. Chop your bag of wild mineral boost mix and add to the shallots, cook on a low-medium heat until softened. Top up with 1L of water, bring to the boil, add salt to taste. Serve as is, or blend into a smooth soup. Garnish with some parsley and a generous blob of soured cream/yoghurt and a sprinkle of smoked paprika/ground cumin/ground black cumin seeds. 

Feta/nut cheese, pine and pomegranate salad: Finely chop the bag of wild mineral boost, add to a salad bowl, remove pomegranate seeds from 1-2 whole pomegranates and sprinkle them through the salad, crumble feta/nut cheese and sprinkle onto the leaves. Add pine seeds as desired, mix well. Drizzle a herby, lemon/orange/raspberry dressing on the top and serve cold. 



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