Olive Herb

Olive Herb

Supplied By the amazing Aweside Farm

Also known as Holy Flax - this herb has the flavour and aroma of olives and therefore goes well with any Mediterranean dishes - especially speciality breads, pastas or roasted meat or vegetables.  

Suggested uses:

Wash well before use

Can be eaten raw or cooked - in small amounts

Use sparingly as a culinary herb - it is quite strong and you only need to use one-two sprigs at a time for a main meal. 


Olive herb infused oil:

Coarsely chop 3-4 sprigs of olive herb, add to a 500ml bottle of extra virgin olive oil. Shake well. Leave to steep for 2-3weeks, shaking daily (or whenever you remember). The oil is ready for use after 2-3weeks and you can remove the olive herb or leave it in to steep further according to your tastes. 

Drizzle the oil onto finished dishes, speciality breads or use to marinate veg/meat before roasting/baking/BBQ-ing or steaming. 

Olive herb stuffed meat/fish/baked sweet potato

Cut a small opening in the meat/fish/potato to allow you to place 1-2 sprigs of Olive herb inside. Rub sea/rock salt, finely chopped garlic, butter/olive oil into the opening and on the outside of the meat/fish/potato. 

Cook to your preference - oven roast or BBQ (fish is nicer steamed with plenty of butter)

Olive Herb, walnut and blue cheese or nut cheese salad

Prepare a basic salad with leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, onions and peppers. 

Add chopped blue or nut cheese to the salad 

Add walnuts nuts 

Pinch off small sections of leaf from one whole sprig of olive herb, (for a regular salad for 2 people)

Drizzle with garlic or chilli infused oil

Toss the ingredients together

Season to taste with sea salt

Serve and eat! 

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