Perennial Spring Salad 2023

Supplied by Andy - he has put together a mixture of vibrant edible perennial spring leaves including:
Jupiter's beard (Centranthus ruber), Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata), Iceplant (Sedum spectabile), Young Hawthorn leaves and flowers and red dead nettles (Lamium purpureum).
Jupiter's beard is commonly known as Red Valerian (not to be confused with the medicinal herb Valeriana officinalis) and has succulent tender spring leaves that taste like peas or mild broad beans. They can be slightly bitter - especially if they are growing in quite dry ground - but used in small amounts they really add an extra layer of flavour to salads or vegetable dishes.
Garlic Mustard is also known as 'Jack by the Hedge' - it is a common 'weed' that stands at around 1m tall, with delicious garlic/broccoli flavoured leaves and flower heads. It self seeds easily, and tolerates most any conditions. A truly fabulous edible and health giving 'weed' to allow into your gardens and edible spaces.
Iceplant is a juicy and succulent leaf that really uplifts the texture of salads from the realm of unsubstantial - to praiseworthy.
Young Hawthorn leaves and flower buds, are an interesting addition to salads. Traditionally known as 'bread and cheese' these wild edibles were traditionally childhood favourites of those who grew up with the knowledge to pick their own wild snacks. See interesting article at the bottom of the page.
Suggested uses:
Roughly chop and eat raw in salads or steam gently until softened for an interesting vegetable side dish, tastes great drizzled with garlic infused olive oil or garlic butter.
Interesting article: