Mint Mix Elixir

A selection of fresh mint tips and violet flowers from Deanna's herb gardens.
Suggested use:
Wash well before use.
Chop the herbs and add to 200ml of water, add half a cup of sugar or syrup and boil for 5mins, reduce down until it begins to thicken. Allow to cool and keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, or freeze into ice cubes and keep for up to a year. Add to iced water to make a minty cooling elixir to tone and refresh your energy!
Alternatively boil a spring or two in 2cups of water and drink as a herbal tea.
You could chop the mint and mix with yoghurt to create a minty dip to serve with veg sticks, bread or salads.
Or for a long lasting ingredient - finely chop the mint and add to a 200ml bottle of apple cider vinegar, shake the mixture daily, leaving it to steep for 2-3weeks for the flavour to infuse properly (leave the leaves in, or filter them out if preferred. Use this vinegar on cous cous, mixed bean salad, or to make a minty vinaigrette.