A Unique Approach: To Regeneration

Healthy microbiome for unique life purpose

You are special.

There is no-one else like you.

So what?

You have a unique contribution to offer life. 

A purpose.

A special unique role, sculpted by and for you.

And the whole world is here to help you fulfil it! 

Not just those forces that nourish you, heal you and uplift you.

But also those forces that challenge you, forge you, strengthen you. 

Sit with that for a moment. The whole world is here to help you….to be unique. 

To be YOU.

That part of your body that forms your digestive tract - well that’s a piece of the Earth, your patch of soil, your turf, your inner garden. An unfathomably complex and miraculous ecosystem for you to steward, care for, feed, water and love. Always returning your efforts in equal and perfectly proportioned measure. 

I applaud those who do so much to protect the diversity of life upon the Earth, yet I would like to ask:

‘How are you stewarding the ecosystems you carry around within yourself? Are you protecting and taking care of the piece of Earth entrusted to you?’

Perhaps the diversity of life on the earth would not be collapsing, if we each took better care of our own patch of Earth.

To truly take care of life, we need food from healthy diverse, evolving ecosystems. We need to drink matured, naturally purified waters that have been shaped through a full cycle within nature's healthy vessels. We need to strive to return quickly to balance, whenever life throws us a curved ball. We must share meals in harmonious, peaceful company. A healthy microbiome needs all this and much more. 

A healthy microbiome is one of our most important allies when it comes to living the best life, in fulfilling a unique purpose, in being unapologetically YOU. 

Take care of your patch of Earth - it will nourish, heal and uplift you in return. 

….and maybe, just maybe, the unique species that evolve in your gut, might contribute to the  detoxification and regeneration of soil and planet.

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